Holistic Health and Wellness

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Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom: Reinterpreting Myths through Modern Science

  Ngiafon44 comments

In an age where modern science and mainstream thinking reign supreme, the echoes of ancient religions and spiritual traditions often fade into the background, dismissed as mere myths or fantasies.

Ngiafon's Lighthouse: Illuminating Paths in Coaching Mastery

  Ngiafon44 comments

In the realm of Ngiafon, where wisdom's light does shine,We offer coaching varied, like stars in night's design.A tapestry of guidance, in forms both near and far,To kindle growth and enlightenment, like a guiding star.In the Art of Speech and Sharing, a Pathway ClearFor those who seek to voice their

Humility and Kindness: Pillars of Enlightened Living

  Ngiafon44 comments

Humility: A Gateway to WisdomHumility is not a sign of weakness, stupidity, or surrendering power. It is a profound strength, offering a gateway to innumerable learning opportunities. A humble person,

Inizio del Percorso verso l'Illuminazione Il Viaggio di Trasformazione e Libertà di Ngiafon

  Ngiafon 44 comments

Part1Nella tessitura della vita, dove ogni filo intesse la propria storia, io, Ngiafon, mi ergo come un faro di guida e trasformazione. Intraprendendo un viaggio che intreccia la saggezza ancestrale, l'esperienza personale e il ritmo dello stile di vita moderno, vi introduco non solo a una pratica, ma a un

The Luminous Path: Lessons from the Shamanic Tapestry

  Ngiafon44 comments

In the shimmering fabric of existence, woven with the threads of our collective wisdom and illuminated by the luminous verse of ancestral sagacity, there lies a profound recipe for a

Luminous Journey 2024 Embracing the Wisdom of Spiriletics

  Ngiafon44 comments

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, a canvas blank and wide awaits your touch. Imagine if this year, your journey takes a turn, not just towards typical resolutions, but towards a deeper, more luminous path – a journey guided by the profound wisdom of Spiriletics.Introducing "Luminous

Israeli-Palestinian Relations

  Ngiafon44 comments

In the shimmering tapestry of human existence, where each thread weaves a story of its own, there emerges a tale of two ancient peoples, Israeli and Palestinian. Their narrative, steeped

A Plea for Peace: Bridging Divides in a World of Conflict

  Ngiafon44 comments

In a world where shadows of war and unrest darken the skies, a beacon of hope flickers in the heartfelt words of one who dreams of friendship and peace. "I wish in this world we could truly be good friends," she wrote, her words echoing the yearning of millions who

Journey Into The Light of Spiriletics

  Ngiafon44 comments

The Calling of Our Time:In the fading glow of dusk, as the last rays of the sun sink below the horizon, an ancient invitation calls to the human spirit once

Spirilive Practice

  Ngiafon44 comments

Spirilive Mindfulness Meditation Practice is a Lovingkindness meditation practice that focuses on inward self love, self forgiveness and healing then extend it to others wishing safety, health and peace for loved ones before expanding the circle of compassion. Spirilive Practice is a meditation branch of Spiriletics. Spirilive provides services including