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Journey Into The Light of Spiriletics

  Ngiafon abcd 44 comments

The Calling of Our Time:

In the fading glow of dusk, as the last rays of the sun sink below the horizon, an ancient invitation calls to the human spirit once more. It is the gentle whisper of the ancestors, beckoning us from the misty realm between worlds - "Come, children, hear us. We have a gift to share."

I heard this call with visceral clarity while nestled in the strong arms of the ancient mountains, their towering peaks embracing me as I meditated in solitude. In the crisp mountain air, I felt the presence of beings unseen. Their warmth and light infused my very soul as sacred knowledge was transmitted - humanity stands at a precipice of evolution. Acceleration into a new era of consciousness is quickening, set to profoundly transform life as we know it from 2024 and beyond.

To navigate the tumultuous waters ahead and become active participants in this creation of an enlightened new world, we must prepare ourselves, body, mind and soul. This preparation requires full commitment to profound personal growth and deep spiritual connection. The ancestors gave us spiriletics for this purpose.

Spiriletics fuses ancient wisdom with modern principles of wellbeing to align us with cosmic flow. More than a practice, it is a lifestyle journey into self-realization and actualization of human potential. Through dedication to spiriletics, we transcend perceived limitations, clear energy blockages, maximize vitality and access heightened states of awareness.

As we embark on this magical path, the first lesson we must heed is the universal law of humility, whispered by the mountain winds. Despite our most valiant attempts, the grand secrets of life - why we are here and where we go when we transition from these earthly bodies - remain mysteries to the human mind. Yet rather than a source of frustration, this lack of knowing should humble us all.

Does not the majesty of the stars in the night sky humble the wisest professor of astronomy? Do not the perfect workings of our living bodies humble even the most esteemed doctor? A seed germinates, grows toward the sunlight and bears fruit - is this not a magical alchemy far beyond current science's ability to comprehend? By embracing humility, we open ourselves as blank canvases to become co-creators with divine intelligence so we may discover our unique gifts and liberate them freely into the world.

Yet in the modern fixation with capitalism and materialism, we have lost touch with this wellspring of humility. Accumulating wealth and possessions to excess has become like an addictive drug, leaving us spiritually malnourished no matter how full our coffers may grow.  Wars rage and unrest spreads like a plague - outer symptoms of our profound inner crisis, this spiritual disconnect from source energy and life's deeper meaning.

Still, all is not lost. In fact profound promise awaits! Spiriletics is the light on the horizon portending a new dawn, beckoning our return to living in harmony with nature and the cosmos. This is a lifestyle founded on principles of compassion, mindfulness and peace - one where health of the body supports expansiveness of soul.

Those who feel the call in their hearts are invited to join me on this magical ride into a brand new era of human consciousness. Commit with me to dance between worlds, to receive wisdom from other dimensions and anchor it here on earth. The time for our collective awakening is now. A new frequency is emerging, one where balance, understanding and enlightenment are prime. The ancestors have lit the torch - now it is for us to take it and shine the light!

Through dedication to spiriletics, we ready ourselves so that by 2024 the accelerated global shift into heightened awareness will feel exciting rather than destabilizing. By harmonizing with earth's rhythms and cosmic vibrations through self-care rituals of meditation, movement and conscious breathing, we crystallize the sacred within. In doing so we become awakened agents of positive transformation across all realms.

If you feel the calling too, trust in it. Listen to your soul's wisdom. Your time is now. Commit to your growth with humility, for we know not where the journey leads but feel compelled from within to find out. I pledge myself as your guide should you choose to walk this path with courage and an open heart. With light and love we travel onward. The ancestors await!

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