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Spirilive Mindfulness Meditation Practice is a Lovingkindness meditation practice that focuses on inward self love, self forgiveness and healing then extend it to others wishing safety, health and peace for loved ones before expanding the circle of compassion. Spirilive Practice is a meditation branch of Spiriletics. Spirilive provides services including the following:
- Lead meditations focused on cultivating compassion towards those suffering. Guide participants to send wishes for healing.
- Offer meditations on exploring one's own implicit biases and privileges. Encourage reflection on how to counteract prejudices.
- Teach meditative practices from spiritual traditions historically marginalized by racism. Honor their wisdom.
- Form meditation groups. Provide a supportive space for sharing their experiences and healing.
- Use calming practices to help people replenish themselves so they can sustain work. Avoid burnout.
- Fostering empathy and perspective-taking. Seeking to truly understand the experiences and challenges faced by people of diverse backgrounds. This builds compassion.
- Supporting policies and programs that provide more equal access to education, jobs, housing, healthcare, and representation in government and positions of leadership. Equal opportunity allows people to thrive.